In Search of... Whistle Jocks

The CCA is looking for an Ol’ Ag in each class to act as a “Whistle Jock” and represent his/her class and/or outfit for the CCA! The duties of a Whistle Jock are to help the CCA better communicate and act as an ambassador with your class and offer suggestions and information throughout the year. If you are interested in volunteering as your Class Whistle Jock, please contact Jill Bright, Development, at or call 979-221-1998. You must be an active member to apply.


Current Whistle Jocks by Class Year

Class Whistle Jocks

1959   Harvey Haas

1960   Jack Elrod & Tom Wisdom 

1961   Mark Dierlam

1962   Harry Brand

1963   Kenneth Koegl

1964   Tom Davis & Bob Schneider

1965   Albert Clay

1966   Joe Burch

1968   Alan Backof, David Harrigan, Frank Holder

1969   M. Scott Taylor & Jim Wheeler

1970   Lawrence Petrash

1972   James (Jack) A. Carey & Terry Crenwelge

1975   Craig Brown, Thomas Davis, Larry Dooley

1976   Mike Wisby

1977   Kelly DeWitt & David Mocio   

1978   Jim Pack

1979   Brandon Gaines & Richard Marek

1980   Jeff Gruetzmacher 

1981   Don Gentry

1984   Tim Stephens

1985   Gregory Lengyel & Kyle Miller

1986   Randy Brooks 

1988   Ernest Aliseda

1989   Joe Bourgeios

1990   David Bacot & Scott Letendre

1991   Joel Austin

1992   Jonathan Pilgrim

1993   Marcus Brooks & Eric Wylie

1994   Stephen D. Kindrick

1996   Tom Pool & Peter Siegel

1997   Trent Corcia, Nathan Harris, Steven Wiley

1998   Heidi Ridenhour-Jones & Elianor Vessali

1999   Monica Foley & Jonathan McKelvain

2000   Brian Potter & Andrew Ratley

2001   Samuel Wigley

2002   Andy Nelson & Scott Rice


Outfit Whistle Jocks

B-2 Wendell Eakins ’75 

C-2 James Benham ’01

E-2 Tom Walker ’75

G-2 Nathan Harris ’97

K-2 Brandon Gaines ’79

S-2 Roy Parson ’89

Sq. 18 Tyler Langford ’06

Sq. 2 Stephen Greenwade ’79

Sq. 5 Gregg Stevenson ’75

Sq. 6 Alan Riley ’90

Sq. 10 Phillip Schraub ’75

Sq. 12 Michael Jolly ’96

Sq. 14 Marilyn Hodges ’89

Maroon Band Carl Luckenbach ’67

A-Battery Stephen D. Kindrick ’94