About the Boot Loan Program

Across the Texas A&M University campus, senior cadets can be heard before they are seen. There is a distinct sound that senior boots make...the jingle of the spurs and the sound of the taps let you know they are around. These boots represent a road less traveled, perseverance, and grit on the part of each cadet. Senior cadets should have the opportunity to wear the boots they earned yet some do not have the financial resources to purchase them. Some just like the idea of walking the Quad in a pair that harks back to the days of “Ol’ Army.” Whatever the reason, as always, Aggies have each other's backs.

The Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets Association is excited to announce that it is now managing the Senior Boot Loan Program, for which over 900 pairs of boots have graciously been donated. 

Want to donate your Boots?

Our program depends on former cadets' heirloom donations. If you would like to donate your Senior Boots (no uniform pieces please) download and submit our donation form. 

Attention Juniors!

The CCA would like to offer you the opportunity to borrow boots for your senior year.

“Pair number two… okay… I see you!”

Cadet Matt Williams ‘25 recently borrowed his senior boots from the CCA Boot Loan Program. Enjoy this recap of his experience!

If you would like more information about this program, contact the Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets Association at 979-221-1998 or send an email to bootloan@corpsofcadets.org.